International validation of CoEHAR studies: fewer Covid-19 hospitalization among smokers and studies on the role of nicotine

Direct causal relationship between smoking and COVID-19 outcomes: the work of CoEHAR researchers finds confirmations in an english cohort study. Compared with people who had never smoked, current smoking was associated with one-third lower risk of hospitalization

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Vaping: necessary clinic and functional indicators to assess tobacco harm reduction and related benefits

Tobacco harm reduction theories and their fundamental principles are questioned worldwide. New indicators specifically designed to establish the harm reduction potential of low risk tobacco products are examined by CoEHAR, with promising results

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Gtfn 2020: Sustainability and Innovation are crucially for the future of Tobacco Harm Reduction

What are the best practises the tobacco industry should follow to achieve a sustainable change through the innovation and regulation? This was the question that this year’s Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum, GTFN 2020, focused on

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