CoEHAR: 22 members among the world’s most cited scientists

However, this year, in addition to Professor Polosa, 21 researchers from the Center of Excellence for the acceleration of Harm Reduction of the University of Catania are honored for their work and included in the database. They are: Sebastiano Battiato, Antonino Belfiore, Maria Luisa Brandi, Aldo Calogero, Filippo Caraci, Rosita A. Condorelli, Filippo Drago, Margherita Ferrante, Antonio Gagliano, Fabio Galvano, Giuseppe Grasso, Antonino Gulino, Gaetano Isola, Emmanuele Jannini, Rosalia Maria Leonardi, Sandro La Vignera, Giovanni Li Volti, Gea Oliveri Conti, Eugenio Pedullà, Venerando Rapisarda, Martino Ruggieri.

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