CoEHAR, No Tobacco Day 2024: youth in the spotlight

The meeting will be held on Thursday, May 30, at 8:30 AM in the Aula Magna of the Biological Tower at the University of Catania. The topics discussed will range from oral to sexual health, from sociology to marketing, from diagnosis to clinical treatment, also covering innovative solutions and new tools provided through the use of artificial intelligence.

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Catania, world capital of antismoking research: the CoEHAR mural

As a tangible demonstration of the gratitude towards the city that marked the beginning of the change, this morning CoEHAR presented the “CoEHAR Mural” along A.Doria Avenue (near INFN- Institute of Nuclear Physics). The mural is an artistic work created by the collective “MaleTinte”, thanks to the patronage of the Municipality of Catania and the Italian Anti-smoking League, LIAF, and the support of the BCC, Cooperative Credit Bank of Regalbuto and PPG Italy Group.

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Smokers, former smokers, never smokers and vapers: a survey by the CoEHAR explains their behavior during the lockdown

The findings from a survey conducted by COEHAR researchers on almost 2000 participants showed a slight decrease in the consumption of cigarettes during the lockdown period and an increase in the purchase of products such as cigarettes and e-liquid

Continue ReadingSmokers, former smokers, never smokers and vapers: a survey by the CoEHAR explains their behavior during the lockdown