Cochrane: Some medicines and e-cigarettes can help people to quit smoking

According the authors, for every 100 people, 10 to 19 are likely to quit using an e-cigarette; 12 to 16 using varenicline; and 10 to 18 using cytisine. This is compared to the 6 in 100 people likely to quit when using no medicine/e-cigarette or placebo. People using two forms of nicotine replacement therapy at the same time, for example, a combination of nicotine patch and nicotine gum, seemed to have similar rates of quitting to people using e-cigarettes, varenicline and cytisine.

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Replica (CoEHAR): is there any correlation between Covid-19 and Harm Reduction?

A new study by CoEHAR, the "Role of Cigarette Smoke on Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme-2 Protein Membrane Expression in Bronchial Epithelial Cells Using an Air-Liquid Interface Model" investigates the molecular mechanisms that regulate the expression of the ACE2 enzyme, involved in Covid-19 infection

Continue ReadingReplica (CoEHAR): is there any correlation between Covid-19 and Harm Reduction?

Replica Project: a new study sets quality standards for the storage conditions of nicotine samples

The new study by CoEHAR, "Nicotine dosimetry and stability in cambridge filter PADs (CFPs) following different smoking regime protocols and storage conditions", provided new guidelines for future multicentric studies in the low-risk products

Continue ReadingReplica Project: a new study sets quality standards for the storage conditions of nicotine samples