Can the use of the electronic cigarette be associated with chronic cardiac diseases and myocardial infarction? The results of the National Health Interview Surveys conducted in 2016 and 2017 entitled “Is E-cigarette use associated with coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction?” were published on Sage Journals, signed by Konstantinos Farsalinos, Riccardo Polosa , Fabio Cibella and Raymond Niaura.

The result
From the analysis of the data there is no association between the use of electronic cigarettes and an increased risk of chronic heart disease and infarct events affecting the myocardium.

The method
The study participants, classified by age, gender and ethnicity, were divided between former smokers, in this case with a further distinction between ex-smokers for more or less than six years, occasional smokers of electronic cigarettes and regular smokers. In addition, pre-existing pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system and the existence of infarct events were taken into account, as well as risk factors such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes.

Although associations have been found between the risk factors analyzed and chronic heart conditions, no significant associations emerge between the use of the electronic cigarette and the pathologies affecting the cardiovascular system.

The point of view of Riccardo Polosa
In summary, the director of the CoEHAR, prof. Riccardo Polosa comments:

As expected, the associations between smoking and infarct events of the myocardium or chronic cardiac pathologies are extraordinarily consistent. On the contrary, no associations emerged between the use of electronic cigarettes and heart-damaging diseases. The inconsistent associations observed during the year-long investigations – continued Polosa – cannot prove any link between the use of electronic cigarettes and a high risk of myocardial infarction or chronic heart disease. Longitudinal studies are still needed to explore the effects of electronic cigarettes on cardiovascular diseases“.


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