Technical Committee of the European Standardization body for e-cigarettes and e-liquids (CEN TC437) meets to improve standards for the quality and safety.

Riccardo Polosa, director of CoEHAR, the Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of HArm Reduction at the University of Catania:

“Improved regulation of these new technologies is needed. In particular, enhanced monitoring of e-cigarette refills should be in place, to prevent reckless alteration and to promote quality/safety control mechanisms. We have long supported and endorsed standards through the work of Technical Committee of the European Standardization body for e-cigarettes and e-liquids (CEN TC437) to ensure that manufacturers have quality control systems in place to prevent these problems and to safeguard consumers’ health from marketing of non-approved vaping products. Nonetheless, regulation should be sensible, balanced, pragmatic, risk proportionate and evidence based. Over restricting use of tobacco harm reduction products not only protects none but it also deprives smokers from the chance to improve their health. It also forces any youth who may unfortunately want to initiate an inhalational habit to have one option: combustible tobacco cigarettes”.


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