SMILE Study Researchers Confirm That Exclusive Users of Combustion-Free Products Have Lower Plaque Accumulation Compared to Smokers

The exclusive use of ECs or HTPs may be associated with reduced dental plaque and calculus accumulation compared to conventional cigarette smoking, suggesting a potentially less harmful impact on oral health. These findings could be particularly compelling for smokers concerned about dental hygiene and related issues such as bad breath.

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New collaborative projects between Padjadjaran University and the University of Catania for studies on harm reduction in Indonesia

“It is important to know that the cause of the health impacts of smoking is actually caused by combustion and TAR, not nicotine itself. This alternative represents a way to avoid the dangerous consequences of burning and contributes to the reduction of risks due to smoking” said Polosa.

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The study addresses the limitations of current definitions, which have often been adapted from adult smoking metrics without considering how these definitions’ relevance might be affected by the unique patterns and lower risk profiles of e-cigarettes.



But how much would harm reduction and the reduction of smoking-related diseases affect international health policy strategies? Would there be fewer hospital admissions without conventional cigarette smoke? The answer will be provided by questionnaires administered to over 3000 hospitalized patients whose smoking habits and potential use of non-combustion products will be analyzed to assess the causes of hospital admission and the subsequent outcomes of the diseases identified.


International Young Researcher Awards Ceremony at CoEHAR, University of Catania, Italy

Dr. Nikolina Kastratovic of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the University of Kragujevac, Serbia, was honored with the award for her outstanding project on the immunomodulatory effects of combustible and electronic cigarettes on human cells.

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The data from these works as a whole can be used to assess the impact in terms of risk/benefit ratio of the regular use of combustion-free products, assisting the efforts of public health authorities in encouraging smokers to quit, especially those who perceive their smoke-damaged smile as a barrier to personal health or work and social relationships.


Groundbreaking Global Initiative to Investigate Oral Health Impacts of Combustion-Free Nicotine Delivery Alternatives: the SMILE Study

The study has been designed with the help of experts from Germany, UK, Italy, Poland, Moldova, and Indonesia. SMILE study is being conducted in four dental clinics across four different countries (Italy, Poland, Moldova, and Indonesia). Volunteer enrollment was completed in August 2023 and results will be expected to be available in 2025.

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Read more about the article Unveiling the truth of aerosol emission: far fewer hazardous compounds in heated tobacco products than in cigarette smoke
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Unveiling the truth of aerosol emission: far fewer hazardous compounds in heated tobacco products than in cigarette smoke

“ Our comprehensive analysis underscores that the aerosol from heated tobacco products (HTPs) contains markedly fewer and substantially lower concentrations of toxic compounds compared to traditional cigarette smoke," Professor Roberto Sussman, first author of the study, stated. "However, despite the reduced levels, the existence of harmful compounds in HTPs and e-cigarettes, notably aldehydes, necessitates vigilant oversight."

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In their work “Respiratory health effects of e-cigarette substitution for tobacco cigarettes: a systematic review”, researchers analyzed 16 studies from 20 publications: most of the studies showed no difference in respiratory parameters. This indicates that electronic nicotine delivery systems substitution for smoking likely does not result in additional harm to respiratory health.


DiaSmokeFree Working Group Challenges American Diabetes Association Guidelines on E-Cigarette Use  

The DiaSmokeFree Working Group send a letter to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) expressing concern and seeking correction of a couple of statements in the ADA guidelines regarding the use…

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An online survey, conducted on approximately 70,000 exclusive and non-exclusive American adult vapers, highlighted that the most utilized flavors to quit smoking are those of fruit, baked goods, and chocolate. These flavors are considered helpful in preventing and reducing the risk of relapses, but concerns about youth addiction are pushing government to enact strict state regulations


Cochrane: Some medicines and e-cigarettes can help people to quit smoking

According the authors, for every 100 people, 10 to 19 are likely to quit using an e-cigarette; 12 to 16 using varenicline; and 10 to 18 using cytisine. This is compared to the 6 in 100 people likely to quit when using no medicine/e-cigarette or placebo. People using two forms of nicotine replacement therapy at the same time, for example, a combination of nicotine patch and nicotine gum, seemed to have similar rates of quitting to people using e-cigarettes, varenicline and cytisine.

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CoEHAR advocate for e-liquids regulation: first ever reported urticaria case associate with vaping 

For the first time, CoEHAR researches reported a case of urticaria following the inhalation of a specific flavoring in an e-liquid used during a switching trial. Although linked to a specific component of the liquid used, this finding highlight the need of further regulation of e-liquid.

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Italian Parliament – Polosa: “Integrating the principle of harm reduction to bring smokers from 25 to 5%”

This was stated by prof. Riccardo Polosa, founder of CoEHAR, Research Center for the reduction of harm from smoking, and full professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Catania, yesterday in a hearing in the Social Affairs Commission of the Chamber, in the context of the examination of the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the ‘European plan to fight against cancer’.

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Diasmoke Working Group in Warsaw: how to address the smoking issue among diabetes patients?

During the 2023 edition of the GFN, a pool of international diabetologists, coordinated by CoEHAR, addressed the issue of cigarette smoking among diabetes patients, setting new international treatment guidelines to be published soon.

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At GFN 2023, SAB Diasmoke second meeting

GFN 2023 will start tomorrow at Varsavia. The 10th edition of the Global Forum on Nicotine, from 21 to 24 June, will host more events dedicated to harm reduction research. During this edition will be also the second meeting of SAB Diasmoke. Diabetologists and experts on THR signed the guidelines on the treatment of smokers with diabetes.

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“It is a fact that in Italy there are millions of smokers who are unwilling or unable to quit smoking – explained prof. Riccardo Polosa, founder of CoEHAR - These smokers do not accept to be medicalized because of their smoking habit and in Italy, even today, we do not have a health policy that takes care of these people. Risk reduction is the solution. In countries with a liberal approach, such as Sweden or England, which have chosen to open up to alternative nicotine release tools by promoting them in the cessation paths for heavy smokers, the prestigious smoke-free goal is being reached. It is time to follow these virtuous examples also in Italy".


EU: public consultation on the “Evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control”

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the "Evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control" which allows citizens, experts, industries and all stakeholders to express their opinion on the revision of the Tobacco Directive (TPD) through filling in a multiple-choice questionnaire, and sharing a final opinion of up to 500 characters.

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CoEHAR researchers’ “guidebook”: how to identify data misinterpretations in ecig studies

Researchers from CoEHAR's In Silico Science project have developed a two-step technique to identify spin bias, research reporting that results in an intentional or unintentional misinterpretation of research results.

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Rome – Health, focus on “Global clinical risk: causes and intervention strategies”

One of the speakers of the event, moderated by Prof. Carla Bruschelli, was Prof. Riccardo Polosa, founder of CoEHAR, Center of Excellence for the acceleration of Harm Reduction, and professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Catania. The subject of his speech was the patient with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) with addiction to smoking, which he defined as "a difficult patient, because he has a long history that has created a strong alliance with cigarettes. Therefore, giving up smoking leads him to a great form of distress, because it represents a loss”.

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CEASEFIRE: first study in the world to assess the efficacy and safety of heated tobacco products and e-cig as a valid smoking cessation tool

“We observed an improvement in exercise tolerance in participants compared to the initial levels: many patients from the first month declared that they have more breath and to feel less fatigue in small but important daily activities such as climbing stairs or doing household” - added prof. Pasquale Caponnetto, professor of clinical psychology at DISFOR of the University of Catania and CoEHAR member.

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EVO NXT: Exciting business festival kicks off in Málaga, Spain

As a result, expectations are high for an event that is all about e-cigarettes, heat-not-burn and cannabidiol (CBD) products, pouches and other smokeless alternatives. To meet these expectations, Messe Dortmund has launched the new EVO NXT industry festival which is making its début on 10 and 11 March at the Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga (FYCMA) in Málaga, Spain.

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Schizophrenia spectrum disorders patients: smoking also harms friends and relatives

The high number of cigarettes smoked every day by patients with severe mental disorders does not only harm individual smokers but also their parents and the people around them. The habit of smoking is perceived as harmful and also causes discomfort to those close to patients with schizophrenia who can even smoke 60 cigarettes a day.

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State-of-the-art review article concludes that e-cigarettes may offer health benefits to COPD patients

The ground-breaking review article "Health impact of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Current and emerging evidence" published in Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine discusses existing and future options for COPD smokers who have difficulty quitting smoking. It also systematically reviews the current literature about e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products. The article is authored by CoEHAR researchers of the University of Catania together with British respiratory physicians at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals in London.

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Polosa inaugurates 2023 with 2 new records

A record that is associated with another incredible scientific result of the CoEHAR team which closes 2022 with a record: the group of scientists affiliated with the research center in Catania has managed to achieve, in just 4 years, 128 scientific publications in prestigious journals dedicated to Harm Reduction.

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Anti-vaping narrative driven by low quality science goes undetected by editorial quality checks

In their Commentary “A tale of flawed e-cigarette research undetected by defective peer review process” published in Internal and Emergency Medicine, top harm reduction researchers Riccardo Polosa, Founder of the CoEHAR, and Konstantinos Farsalinos, from University of West Attica, denounce the danger of an escalation in the promotion and dissemination of an anti-vaping narrative supported by evidence of the lowest quality.

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New frontiers in the care of people with schizophrenia: low-risk products are a valid substitute for smoking

According to a qualitative analysis that involved the health personnel responsible for accompanying patients with schizophrenic spectrum disorders in their therapeutic paths, tobacco addiction is highly harmful and widespread among patients suffering from these disorders: doctors, psychologists and healthcare professionals in general have a positive view of smokeless instruments, which are considered an excellent substitute for smoking.

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Mirroring human mental processes through artificial intelligence can open new frontiers in clinical medicine

Just published in the journal Internal and Emergency Medicine  a commentary that illustrates the potential of machine learning in analyzing and processing large amounts of clinical and laboratory information, using…

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Replica project results at the XVI FISV Congress in Naples

The Replica project team activity and the results of the studies on the reduced cytotoxicity and inflammation induced by cigarette smoke and ENDS aerosol will be presented during the XVI edition of the Congress of the Italian Federation of Life Sciences (FISV), which represents over 10.0000 Italian scientists and which will take place from 14 to 16 September 2022 in Naples

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75th Tobacco Science Research Conference: CoEHAR in New Orleans 

The meeting “75th Tobacco Science Research Conference” is an incredible opportunity for researchers and professionals to discuss, analyze and deepen the latest news on tobacco harm reduction strategies, including the necessary steps to develop the scientific activity and the engagement of the sector

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Polosa and Goniewicz the world’s most influential e-cigarette researchers, a new bibliometrics analysis concludes

The mapping of Global Research on electronic cigarettes showed that prof. Riccardo Polosa (CoEHAR Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of HArm Reduction, University of Catania) and prof. Maciej L. Goniewicz (Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA) are the most influential authors and the most important researchers in the e-cigarettes research field. 

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Study showed that vaping is linked to respiratory symptoms but according to CoEHAR researchers: “No causality proved”

The prestigious American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine published a comment by researchers from CoEHAR and the University of Messina regarding a US studies that concluded that “former and current e-cigarette use was associated with higher odds of developing wheezing-related respiratory symptoms”. According to the Italian authors “the significance of the findings needs careful review”.

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US: end of teen nicotine vaping epidemic and eradication of tobacco smoking

The use of e-cigarette among teenagers in the United States is considered a significant public health problem. A close look at federal data now show that the number of young e-cigarette users has markedly declined to below epidemic levels since its peak in 2019.

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First study in the world to evaluate efficacy and safety of the antismoking drug varenicline for smokers with Diabetes

A recent randomized controlled trial of varenicline (Chantix) combined with psychological support has significantly increased the chance of quitting smoking for 300 smokers with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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The first review to assess the metabolic impact of stopping smoking in patients with diabetes mellitus revealed serious gaps in the literature

Quitting smoking can reduce cardiovascular and kidney failure risks. However, it can lead to side effects such as weight gain. A scoping review conducted by a pool of European researchers revealed a lack of data on the metabolic effects of smoking and smoking cessation in diabetes. Healthcare professionals should not assume that cessation of smoking will improve metabolic parameters in patients with diabetes.

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The geography of Harm Reduction: while snus and chewing tobacco are distributed worldwide, the literature is incomplete and deceiving

The widespread availability of safer nicotine delivery systems without the harms from tobacco, as has been demonstrated for Swedish snus and some other forms of smokeless tobacco products, is a route to ending smoking in the not too distant future as we are already witnessing in Sweden and Norway. A clear distinction needs to be made between the safer snus and refined smokeless tobacco products used in Sweden, Norway and increasingly in the US, and the far riskier unrefined SLT products used in Asia, Middle East and Africa

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Stress at work? For smokers who want to quit, the benefits derive from the gestures given by the use of zero-risk devices

The study determined for the first time that the use of reduced-risk products can significantly reduce nicotine addiction, especially in the presence of harmful behavioural aspects.

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Harm Reduction and bias: a review confirms that ecigs are less harmful, but high-quality studies are much needed

"It is surprising to note that there are very few studies that can be considered truly informative of the risk-benefit ratio of new technologies with reduced risk in terms of their impact on health. We are proud to say that CoEHAR research ranks among the best in the current scientific landscape"

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CoEHAR’s study confirms beneficial effects of ecig on copd smokers

CoEHAR's researchers have just published the longest clinical follow-up of E-cigarette users ever reported. The study “COPD smokers who switched to e-cigarettes: health outcomes at 5-year follow up” explores the long term effects of E-cigarette use in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and confirms that regular use can ameliorate objective and subjective COPD and is long lasting

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The Smile Study has officially started the operational phase

On 22 July 2020, Smile Study started officially the operational phase of the projects with the training on the equipments and the visiting of first subjects enrolledDr. Elbert Waller of the Inspektor Research Systems has been welcomed in Catania for for the conduction of a training on the latest innovative technologies in dental diagnostic

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CoEHAR Unict: A call is open for 4 Research Fellowships

Catania, 8 June 2020 - The selection procedure for the award of 4 Research Fellowships is open to young graduates in various discipline: the deadline is June 26, 2020. The selection is part of the activities and research projects promoted by the COEHAR, the Center of Excellence for the Accelleration of Harm Reduction of the University of Catania, founded by Prof. Riccardo Polosa.

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Catania Conversation is a new CoEHAR project which brings together Journalists, Scientists and Opinion Leaders experts in harm reduction from all over the world

On the occasion of the World No Tobacco Day 2020, CoEHAR will organize anOnline Masterclass on 29th May 2020 dedicated to introduce Journalists, Scientists and Opinion Leaders to tobacco harm reduction principle and educate them on the views of the international scientific community.

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Ronny Lesmana: Propolis is known for its strong antioxidant effects and it can counter smoking negative effect

The ADE seminar has been held this morning in the "Aula Magna" of the Biological Tower with prof. Ronny Lesmana, Associate Professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine of…

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CoEHAR: Brain Cells Exposed to Cigarette Smoke Age 5 Times Faster Than Those Treated with Nicotine or Aerosol from Modified-Risk Products

Researchers at CoEHAR recently published a unique study in scientific literature, analyzing the effects of cigarette smoke, aerosol from heated tobacco products, and nicotine on microglia cells, the "sentinels" of…

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